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Socio-economic Motivation

The language shift of the Tsing Shan Tsuen community is also socially and economically driven. The desires to have higher socio-economic status in Hong Kong further promote the replacement of Hakka language by Cantonese 
as Lily, our respondent, suggested that the use of Cantonese is practical for work and employment ([講廣東話]搵到食囉/搵食吖嘛!食飯吖嘛!) Lily also thought that Hakka does not have any economic value. It does not matter whether one know the language or not (客家話喺香港無乜經濟價值,識唔識有咩所謂). All of the interviewees under the age of 60, the age of retirement, are working in urban areas. It is reported that Cantonese is can be employed as a lingua franca in Hong Kong in many aspects, such as work, living and socializing with majority of Hong Kongers. Their want for modernization and integration into the large, urban community is manifested not only by their language shift over past few generations, but also by their gradual migration to the urban areas, reportedly looking for better living conditions, more employment opportunities, and easier access to urban facilities.

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