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Modernization and redevelopment

Village residents’ identity as one united group of Guangxi Hakka is not strong since the Hakka-ness and Guangxi-ness of the village is negatively influenced by modernization and redevelopment in the area.
Because of the redevelopment of the “old village”, many of the original “small houses” have turned into well polished and decorated houses of several storeys. (Chart 4) The typical “small houses” in Tsing Shan Tsuen have been rebuilt and modernized as private residence with its owners coming from all parts of Hong Kong while some of them are even foreigners. (Chart 2) The living models of the residents have changed accordingly. Based on the information given by our interviewees, people living in the village do not talk to each other very often, even if they came from the same origin and are able to speak the same minority language. The residents in the village no longer have the very strong social bond as the one that people of the previous generations, who used to live in this village, had many years ago. The lack of communication among residents, be them Guangxi people who speak Hakka or not, in this village have given less and less chances for Hakka speakers in the village to speak the language. This phenomenon has directly led to the decline of the Hakka language in Tsing Shan Tsuen.

Chart 4

Chart 2

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